Thursday, October 7, 2010

Delight in Disorder

Imperfection is the perfect state for the speaker. He/She sees disorder as a good thing. The speaker expresses his/her love for imperfection through the description of clothing. This poem also contains a pattern as one moves throughout it. The clothing that is spoke about starts at the head/neck by speaking of a scarf and the moves down the body and ends by talking about the shoestrings. Also, this theme of disorder is expressed through the rhyme scheme too. Lines 1 & 2 , 9&10, 13& 14, and 7& 11 rhyme with each other. There isn't a perfect organized rhyming scheme. Lastly, I think the writer used some confusing oxymorons because oxymorons could be considered disorderly by them self. "Wild Civility" is one used when talking about the shoe string.

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