Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Popular Mechanics

4. Why is this couple splitting up? Do we know? Does it matter?

The reader never gets to find out why this couple is splitting up, but I believe that this is a detail that doesn't really matter. The reader only needs to realize that the couple is splitting up and ripping apart the life of the child. One would think that the reason for the split or divorce would need to be known, but it doesn't. This detail is just about as important as if Phoenix Jackson's grandson is dead or not in "A Worn Path." The reader isn't supposed to focus on why the parents are getting divorced, they are supposed to see the affects of the splitting of parents. In this story, the parents figuratively or literally tear their child apart because they are selfish and worry about their wants more than the child's wants. Carver wants the to convey this theme that is "popular" in today's custody battles.

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