Tuesday, March 22, 2011


"Almost two years we bought his damn fruits ... " (pg. 127)

This book is a a bunch of stories and instances put together. Hosseini uses tool of time to put emphasis on important situations and skip over the unimportant things. In the quote above, it proves that the reader doesn't get to experience a detailed description of the first two years of Baba's and Amir's lives in America. For instance, from chapter nine to ten, the book skips five years. The reader doesn't get to see what life was like in Kabul for Amir and Baba without Hassan and Ali. It is said that they had about seven different servants in that period of time, so the reader can assume what happened, but obviously the author doesn't find those five years important and finds it much more important to express other events.

There are also times where the author takes up five pages to explain what happened in about five minutes. This is found in chapter tweleve when Amir is speaking to Soraya for the first couple times. The reader has the effect that time almost stops when they are in conversation.
Also, there were times like when the people were riding in the tank. Amir is so descriptive of what these couple hours were like, so I knew that this situation must be important.

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