Wednesday, April 6, 2011

American vs. Afgan

" "I see America has infused you with the optimism that has made her so great. That's very good. We're a melancholic people, we Afgans, aren't we?" " (pg. 201) One of the biggest themes in this book is the comparison between the American life and the way of life in Afganistan. The reader starts to see this comparison once Amir and Baba flee to America. First we see them compared when it comes to trust and way of life. This is when Baba freaks out because a man who has known him for two years asks for his ID when Baba tries to write a check. Baba even explains how they would carve notches in wood to represent the loaves of bread that one would owe in Afganistan. The way of life is extremely differentin the two countries. I feel that Afganistan was a place that Baba felt a part of a family and everyone there worked together to get along and they trusted their neighbor. On the other hand, the American life relfects more of a survival of the fittest theme. The quote above shows the difference of the attitudes of the Americans and the Afgans. Americans have more of a optomistic outlook on life and the Afgans believe more in flowing with the way life takes them and letting fate take the wheel. In the book we see Amir take on the American outlook of trying to control life when he tells his father that there is a way to make him better and doctors could give him treatments to help him. Baba goes along with his natural born Afgan ways and refuses treatment and lets whatever is supposed to happen to him, happen. Lastly, I feel that the Afgans are more stubborn and not subject to change on views. Baba and Rahim Khan always seem to stick to what they have always known and they seldom stray from their ways.

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