Thursday, September 9, 2010

I felt a Funeral, in my Brain


I have to say that my impression of Emily Dickinson has not changed after reading this poem. I would definitely have to describe her as a very unique writer. In this poem, Emily truly emphasized the sense of sound. The speaker is in the casket and can not see or say anything, so they rely on their ears. The speaker hears the people "treading- treading" and there was a drum "beating- beating." He/She hears the people lift the box and then "all the Heavens were a Bell." The function of these sounds is to make the reader realize what it would be like in the "box." This poem can be interpreted in many ways, but I feel that the speaker is going through a mental breakdown. This poem makes me see an image of a person with this blank look on there face, but their brain is going crazy with noise.

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