Thursday, September 23, 2010

next to of course god america i


This piece of poetry was definitely my favorite our of this section. I have always believed that if people don't truly think about what they are saying when they say it, they don't really mean it. The words we all utter in songs about our country or even the pledge to our country are some of the most beautiful and meaningful words we will ever utter. Even though they are extremely important and people die for these words, I would have to say that most Americans just recite these words like "The Night Before Christmas" poem. I would venture to say that most people don't think about it, they just say it. This is a satirical poem because it is trying to change the way people view these forms of honor to our country, the land of the free. There is no capitalization in the quote from the man speaking. I believe this represents the lack of respect that we give our country when saying the pledge. Also, there is almost no punctuation which represents the speed that we utter these songs and the pledge. We go so fast sometimes that we are saying words just to say them.

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