Thursday, September 30, 2010

My Mistress' Eyes

"Your eyes sparkle like the stars above at night."

Seriously? Do these kinds of statements really impress the ladies? I find saying like these to be trite and cheesy because there is no possible way that they could be true. After realizing that Shakespeare wasn't being rude in this poem, I started to see the truth in his words. If some body's eyes were really like the sun, they would be hard to look into. Also, would a man really like a woman with skin as white as the snow? These are unrealistic things that probably wouldn't be attractive even if they were true. This poem satirizes people who write things like this in literature. This use of satire is helps the sarcastic tone of the poem stick out. When I first read the poem, I read it with a kind of harsh tone, but at the end when I realized what Shakespeare was doing, I re-read the poem in a sarcastic tone and it made much more sense.

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