Thursday, September 9, 2010

Those Winter Sundays

This was one of my favorite poems out of the eight. For me, it really hit home. I know that I do not thank my parents enough for all they do for me. I do not even realize half of the sacrifices they make to give me a life that they could only dream of. The line, "No one ever thanked him" really made me think. Do I always thank people for the things they go out of their way to do for me? Do I thank people for the little things in life? I know that I am very blessed to have the family and community that I have, but I do think that I take it for granted too much. Lastly, I want to make reference to the last couple lines of the poem. "What did I know, what did I know of love's austere and lonely offices?" This is where the idea of tough love is presented. Sometimes when someone is strict, they aren't trying to punish you, they are actually looking out for you. This kind of care represents a hidden love.

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