Monday, February 28, 2011

A Raisin in the Sun

4. This play is all about suspense in general. The play opens with all of the family members being in suspense about the arrival of the money and where the money would be invested. The family knows the day it will come, but they know not the hour. In this play, dramatic suspense is created by Ruth and her "sickness." The reader does not know for sure what is exactly happening to her, but they know that something is up. Then, Mama and Ruth reveal that Ruth is pregnant to the audience before Walter gets to know.

Then, once Mama receives the money, everyone is eager to know where it will go to. Once it goes into the hands of Walter the suspense is created by whether or not his liquor store will succeed. When it fails all suspense is lost. I believe that there is a lot of suspense incorporated into this story because of all the fard decisions that have to be made by family members when they know it will affect the rest of the family.

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