Monday, February 28, 2011

A Raisin in the Sun

3. I feel that the protagonist is Mama because she is the conerstone of the family and is ultimately the one receiving the money. The antagonist would be Walter because of the pressure he puts on Mama about the check. Also, he argues with everyone in the household about something. I believe that Ruth and Bennie are foils in this story. Ruth is all about helping other people out and putting her family before herself. She is willing to kill her baby just so the family can live easier. This would destroy Ruth, but she wants what is best for the household in general. Bennie on the other hand is all about herself. She cares about her education, the activites she wants to do, and the men she dates.

Travis is a minor character who has a big impaact on the play. He is only a child and a minor charcter at that, but he plays a big part when one looks at the big picture. At the end of the play, Travis definitely had an impact on the decision made by the major character, Walter. Walter has to decide to stand up for his family and their rights or back down and leave the housing community. Mama makes Travis see this situation because I think she knew it would help Walter make the right decision as well as show Travis how real men act.

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