Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Glass Menagerie

3. I believe that the protagonist in the play would actually be Tom. Since there are only four characters and they all play a big part, identifying the protagonist is harder, but I believe it is Tom because he is the breadwinner of the family and he is the narrator and in the play at the same time. The family depends on him to survive. I believe that even though there is a short character list, there are foil characters. Even though Tom and Laura are siblings and siblings are usually alike, I consider them opposites. Tom likes to leave the house and get out into the real world. He yearns for adventure and wants to escape the house. Laura wants the exact opposite. She is quite content with staying in her house and admiring her glass menagerie. She like to just sit and be content. She is shy and begins to feel ill when she even thinks of speaking to someone else besides her family. I do not believe that there are any minor characters in this story because each of the four characters plays a big part in the story. Each character does urge one another to advance the plot though. Especially Tom because he serves as the narrator and a main character. This whole story comes from his memory.

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