Thursday, January 27, 2011

Othello - Movie Clip Comments

Before we started Othello, we had to read a little about reading a play and understanding the differences between whole one writes a play and when one writes a story. Today in class, there was a major point that was brought to my attention when we watched a movie clip. I was very confused with the scene in the beginning of Act IV, but when I watched the movie clip I understood it. I then went back and looked at the actual writing of the play and I realized how closely i needed to pay attention when reading because these plays were not ultimately wrote to be read, they were wrote to be acted out. I didn't realize how the conversation between Cassio and Iago could've worked out with Othello watching so closely. I knew that at some point Bianca's name had to be brought up. When I watched the movie I realized how Iago changed his volume and tone with Cassio when actually saying the names of Desdemona and Bianca and it all made sense from there. So many aspects can happen at one time with an audience watching a play, but when reading a play, the reader has to dissect every part in order to fully understand the text and the situation.

1 comment:

  1. one of the challenges of studying something meant to be seen, not read
