Thursday, January 20, 2011


Personally, I wasn't extremely excited when I heard that we had to read something by Shakespeare. I have read a couple of his other works and I have just always been slightly intimidated by the way he writes. It is challenging for me to understand. After starting Othello, I think that I became less frightened. I am not sure why, but I think that I can understand his writing a little better now. I can't comprehend every little piece, but I believe that I can grasp the gist of the story. One thing that I did pick up on was the difference between the two Iago's. When is is trying to impress someone or be formal with them, Shakespeare made him speak poettically. Otherwise, when Iago is talking to Roderigo informally, Iago speaks in prose. This just further emphasizes how Iago is being two completely different people.

1 comment:

  1. the two Iagos....I've never thought of him as two different characters, but he sort of is!
