Thursday, January 27, 2011

Othello - Characters

3. I believe that the protagonist in this story is Othello and the antagonist is Iago. This is because Othello is characterized as the main character, hero, and leader. Iago on the other hand is the antagonist because he is opposed to Othello and works against him and almost everyone else in the play. Two people I see as foil characters is Iago and Cassio. First, I see them as foils in the way they treat women. Cassio respects women while Iago could care less about how women are treated. Also, even though Cassio is made out to be a drunkard, I believe that there is enough evidence to show how good of a man he is. Iago is deceiving and the complete opposite of a reliable man. I believe that the minor characters in the story are there to help Iago out with his plan. He uses every single one of them to put together a puzzle of poison.I do believe the minor characters such as the Duke, Montano, and Lodovico are like the glue that holds all the main events of the story together.

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