Thursday, January 27, 2011

Othello - Suspense

4. In this story, a great amount of suspense is created by the plot. By the end of Act IV, the audience is on the edge of their seat wondering how the story is going to end up with just one more act left. Shakespeare creates this suspense by giving one character the ability to harm so many lives. Iago has intertwined the lives of the main characters and has created a huge ball of fury by the end of Act IV. Also, but this time, the audience realizes that the story has to be a tragedy. The also know that with tragedy comes death and nobody has died yet. They are so eager to know who is going to die and how it is all going to play out in the end. This suspense is created because it is completely dramatic. Besides Iago, only the audience realizes what is truly going on. The audience knows that the ball of fury is about to burst, but the characters in the play besides Iago are either in utter confusion or anger. There seems to be proof for their anger, but little do the characters know that the whole situation is a complete lie by the deceitful Iago.

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