Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The Unicorn =]

Laura's little glass unicorn is one of the biggest symbols in the story. Williams makes it quote clear that the unicorn represents Laura. She is the odd one that stands among all of the other normal people, horses, and sticks out. Laura is different from everyone else, but I don't think that Williams doesn't want the reader to see this as a bad thing because he makes her equal a unicorn. A unicorn is majestic and not able to be comprehended. If he wanted to giver her a bad connotation, he might have made her a donkey or something.

At first, I really did start to see signs that Jim and Laura were connecting and I did catch a glimpse of hope for a future between the two. Jim was the one who brought Laura out of her shyness, removed her "horn," and made her a horse like everyone around her. This glimpse of hope was totally destroyed when Jim brought up Betty and at first I was extremely angry. I hate guys who lead on girls and I thought it was just going to be another one of those unhappy endings. Some people may see it like that, but I think Jim actually helped Laura more than he hurt her. I know that he had to hurt her because she has had a love for him since high school, but he helped her to step out of her bubble and face her fears. He also gave her some great advice. Even though we know that Tom leaves, I believe that Amanda and Laura will be much better off than they would've been if they had never met Jim.

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