Monday, November 1, 2010

How I Met My Husband

I feel that How I Met My Husband is a very well-written story. It is my personal favorite out of the three stories in the Plot and Structure unit. My favorite quality in this story is the use of situational irony. I had a feeling in the beginning of the story that the pilot was going to be a main character and probably the "husband" mentioned in the title. I believe that everyone initially believes this. The author cleverly comes up with a way to twist the story so that outcome is very different from what the reader assumes. In this story, the "husband" referred to in the title does not appear until the last couple of paragraphs.

Also, I believe that Munro incorporates the aspect of suspense into this story perfectly. This story is so suspenseful that as I was reading it, I was tempted to skip paragraphs just to get to the dialogue. I found that I was doing this most during the encounters of Edie and Chris. This author definitely sparked my curiosity throughout the story. I believe that suspense and the craving to read more are very important qualities for authors to use because they keep the reader interested and focused.

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