Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Quilts! Quilts! Quilts!

In the story Everyday Use by Alice Walker, quilts are a prominent symbol. I feel that people don't see the value in handmade quilts anymore. An example of this is Dee in this story. She doesn't understand the quality of these quilts and the time it makes to create them. In this story, the two quilts wanted by Dee are made of the clothes of their grandmother. She wanted them because she liked their appearance and wanted to hang them in her house. I feel that this is the outlook of people in this generation. 30 years from now, we will not have any precious antiques that have great meaning behind them, like these quilts. In today's world, it is very rare to find teens who know how to quilt or even use a sewing machine. In earlier generations, all women knew how to quilt and sew. With new technology and women getting jobs outside of the home, I feel that these meaningful kinds of things will be lost.

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