Monday, November 1, 2010

Interpreter of Maladies

" When he finished writing his address Mr. Kapasi handed her the paper, but as soon as he did so he worried that he had with either misspelled his name, or accidentally reversed the numbers of his postal code."(pg.157)

Personally, I think that this piece of paper that Mr. Kapasi wrote his address on is a main symbol in this story. It gives Mr. Kapasi so much hope and joy. He was so concerned that he wrote the wrong address down and that he might not ever talk to Mrs. Das again. He even goes as far to say that just the thought of her going back to the United States and being so far away from him made him want to embrace her in an instent. To me, this paper represented infatuation and the worthlessness of it. Mrs. Das just shoves the paper in her purse with not much care. Then, after she tells Mr. Kapasi her secret she realizes how her life must change and the true love that she must have for her children. At the end of the story, she is so concerned with her child that she passed by like a stranger a few hours before that she doesn't even notice "the slip of paper with Mr. Kapasi's address on it flutter away in the wind." I think by finally letting her secret out, she also let go of the infatuations in her life and finally realized the importance of her family.

1 comment:

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