Friday, July 9, 2010

Dead - Not so Dead Anymore

" In a story, miracles can happen. Linda can smile and sit up. She can reach out, touch my wrist, and say, "Timmy, stop crying." (pg. 224)

" We kept the dead alive with stories." (pg. 226)

The ending to this book is phenomenal. I loved the last section entitled The Lives of the Dead. It completely wraps the book up. This chapter tells why Tim included all of these stories about his friends who died in battle. He told them to keep them alive with stories. He didn't want them to be forgotten. O'Brien's goal was to have their soul live on forever through this book.

I am sure Tim had a hard time compiling all of these stories and it was probably emotionally overwhelming to relive them again by expressing the stories on paper. Even though it was hard for him, I am sure it was worth it because all of his close friends will now live on forever in these stories. They will never be forgotten.

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