Friday, July 9, 2010


" Linda was nine then, as I was, but we were in love. And it was real. When I write about her now, three decades later, it's tempting to dismiss it as a crush, and infatuation of childhood, but I know for a fact that what we felt for each other was as deep and rich as love can ever get." (pg. 216)

When I started reading this section, I became very confused about why he would randomly start talking about his nine year old love at the end of a war book. The stories he told about her were elementary school adorable, but he talked about her so maturely. He said that at nine years old he knew he was in a true love with her. Not infatuation or a crush, true love. I found it touching that he was positive that he loved her.

I don't know how many times I have heard, "You don't even know what love is!" At my age, I am even confused about the word love in general. When does someone know they are truly in love and what age do u have to be to know what love is? I don't think there is a certain age and by the way it looks, I think Tim would agree with me. I just hope one day I can be as positive as Tim was about truly loving someone else.

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