Friday, July 9, 2010

Night Life

" No moon and no stars. It was the purest black you could imagine, Sanders said, the kind of clock-stopping black that God must've had in mind when he sat down to invent blackness. It made your eyeballs ache. You'd shake your head and blink, except you couldn't even tell you were blinking, the blackness didn't change." (pg. 209)

This description of the dark frightens me. I don't know many people who like the dark. I hate it. I find myself afraid of looking out windows in my safe comfortable house at night. This kind of darkness that Tim speaks of I can't even imagine.

My father has always said, "Nothing good ever happens past midnight." From my experiences over the years, I would have to agree with him. All of the stories I hear have ruined night time for me. Something in the human body changes as the sun goes down. The way these men had to move at night in an extremely dark environment scares me, let alone them. I know they had to be scared, but they were also too scared to become a coward.

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