Thursday, July 8, 2010

Elroy Berdahl

"Inside were the four fifties and a two-word note that said EMERGENCY FUND. The man knew" (pg. 51)

Personally, this was one of my favorite sections of the book. First of all, I love doing things on a whim. So, I was all for it when Tim listened to the voice inside of him and just picked up his things and left. He knew it was then or never. My parents would've had a heart attack and would've called me and ordered me home. He never talked about his parents ever doing such a thing. I am sure they were concerned, but he was older than I and he left a note. I guess that was good enough to reassure his parents that he was okay.

When he reaches a place to stay, Tip Top Lodge, he is greeted by the owner, Elroy Berdahl. This 81 year old man is probably one of my favorite characters in the book. I would consider him a simple, flat character. He was in only one story of this book, but it was the most important story. In six days this man changed Tim's life. By giving him a place to stay, food to eat, and a companion, Elroy did much more than he realized. After these six days this man even offered to give Tim money. He was a very rare and special man.

Over the six days that Tim was there, Elroy never asked him why he was there or what he was running from. Elroy knew something was wrong and that this young boy needed a friend and some guidance, that was all he needed to know. The world today needs more people like Elroy Berdahl.

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