Friday, July 9, 2010


" They were still my buddies, at least on one level, but once you leave the boonies, the whole comrade business gets turned around. You become a civilian. You forfeit membership in the family, the blood fraternity, and no matter how hard you try, you can't pretend to be a part of it." (pg. 185)

At this part of the book, I felt horrible for Tim. He didn't chose to get shot in the butt and leave, it just happened. Getting shot was one of the risks they had to take out there. He had to heal and getting better meant resting and not being about to be with his clan in the fields. He was to recover at the headquarters. When the Alpha Company came in to his headquarters he was glad to see him, but he now felt a sense of separation.

I have been playing soccer with a specific group of girls my whole life. It has been a great experience for me and I love every minute of it. When we all got into high school, most of the girls breathed soccer while I enjoyed doing other activities too. I wanted to be involved in other things like choir and theatre, but this came at a price. This is when I experienced this separation that Tim is speaking of. You still feel like you belong in the group, but you aren't always with them so u feel a little out of the loop.

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