Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Backtracking a Little =]

"I did not see Brett again until she came back from San Sebastian. ... Nor did I see Robert Cohn again. I heard Frances had left for England and I had a note from Cohn saying he was going out in the country for a couple of weeks, he did not know where ... " (pg. 75)

I wanted to go back a couple of pages and bring up another literary device that Hemingway used. In this situation, he used dramatic irony. I would think that Jake would've seen what was going on and not thought that Cohn and Lady Brett leaving around the same time was just a coincidence. I thought Jake knew Cohn liked Brett a lot? I just don't understand why he didn't figure it out. I guess Ernest just wanted the reader to be more aware of the situation. I definitely thought something was fishy at this point, but Jake doesn't find out about this relationship until page 89 when Brett tells him.

Since Jake didn't even figure this situation out, I think Hemingway put this inhere to show how sneeky and crazy things could be at this time. Two of a man's closest friends could be having a relationship without the man ever realizing it.

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