Friday, August 13, 2010

Seriously Brett?

"I'm a goner. I'm mad about the Romero boy. I'm in love with him. I think." - Brett (pg. 187)

Here we go again. I just don't think Brett is ever satisfied with any man she is with. Now she is turning to a 19 year old boy. Seriously? I just don't think she could be "in love" with so many guys in her lifetime. I wonder if Brett would've been like this if he first love in war didn't die of dysentery. Who knows?

Anyways, I think that in this book Brett could be described as a static character. Her personality and morals definitely do not change as one moves through the book. She is such a lost woman. Also on page 187 she says to Jake, "I've got to do something. I've got to do something I really want to do. I've lost my self-respect." This made me realize that her situation is actually very sad. One could say she is almost addicted and once she sees something she wants, she has to have it.

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