Wednesday, August 11, 2010

The First of Many

" It was a warm spring night and I sat at a table on the terrace of the Napolitain after Robert had gone, watching it get dark and the electric signs come on, and the red and green stop-and-go traffic signal, and the crowd going by, and the horse-cabs clippety-clopping along the edge of the solid taxi traffic ... " (pg. 22)

At the beginning of the book, I thought this was a very relaxing and precious scene. A guy sitting at a table, relaxing, having a drink, and enjoying his time observing the night life. At this point I was jealous of this man's life. Who wouldn't want to be able to sit back and do this every night? Hemingway describes this scene quite well. Using great description and onomatopoeia he made me feel like I was right there on the terrace in the seat next to Jake.

I can't speak for people in other countries, but I think many people in America would love to do this every night. The country that we live in today has way too many stressful situations going on. I have witnessed the worries that my parents go through. If it isn't cars, it is money. I think that some people in the world today may think that this "lost generation" had it made.

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