Thursday, August 12, 2010

"Hurray for Wine!"

" I want a leather wine-bottle," Bill said.
"There's a place down the street," I said. "I'll go get a couple." (pg.159)

Usually I find it hard to find motifs in literary works, but I believe this alcohol aspect of the book jumps out at everyone. I feel like alomst everything has to do with drinking or being "tight." I was convinced for awhile that I shouldn't even believe half of the stuff in the book because Jake was probably drunk while narrating it. I am not sure why Ernest put such an emphasis on alcohol. I am guessing that he wanted to make this lost generation look even more arrogant or maybe Hemingway liked drinking all the time too.

One thing I did notice is that I feel like the characters drank all the time to erase their problems. If they were drunk, they wouldn't remember how they were practically bankrupt.

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