Friday, August 13, 2010

Through Jake's Eyes

" At noon we were all at the cafe. It was crowded. We were eating shrimps and drinking beer. The town was crowded." (pg.209)

This whole book is from a first person point of view, just like "The Things They Carried." Jake is the one who is telling this story. The reader sees everything the way Jake does. I was thinking what the book would be like if Brett was telling the story. What does she truly think about life, herself, and all the men she had relationships with? I would love to read a book from her point of view, even though I am not very fond of her. Maybe even a book from Cohn's point of view. Did he realize that the people didn't want him around and almost everyone shunned him quietly if not publicly.

One reason why I really enjoyed the Twilight series is because of the change of point of views throughout the book. I liked being able to get inside of each characters head at some point and be able to see what they are truly thinking and feeling.

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