Thursday, August 12, 2010

Getting Hooked

"I'm going to fish a fly. You got any McGintys?" -Bill
"There's some in there." - Jake
You going to fish bait?" - Bill
"Yeah, I'm going to fish the dam here." - Jake
"Let's see them." - Bill
"They're packed." - Jake
"How big are they really?" - Bill
"They're all about the size of our smallest." - Jake (pg. 123/125)

This fishing excursion isn't really one of the main events that happens in this book, but I think there is an underlining meaning to it. Jake works hard to find his own worms to use as bait, while Bill just chooses to go fly fishing and use artificial bait. After fishing for awhile Bill is the one who catches the biggest trout. I think Hemingway is trying to prove a point here. The people of this lost generation are getting hooked on fake ideals, values, and thoughts. The majority of them are stupid enough to visually see a hook (bad ideal) but grab onto it anyways. They are hungering for a way to live their life to the fullest, but they are getting distracted by the fake and drunk way of life.

I find this same trend occurring in society today. People who are given their bait (Bill) without any effort whatsoever somehow always seem to prosper and get the good end of the deal. Then, the people like Jake who work for their bait always seem to catch the smaller fish. This idea is twisted. It should be the other way around, but that is just how the world we live in today works I guess.

1 comment:

  1. I found this blog entry interesting because you nailed the laziness of today's society. It is "fishy" that we realize the twisted nature of society and its common lack of working hard in an excerpt about fishing- a very leisurly activity! Laziness gets the better of people. The less work managed to put into something for full benefit the better it seems!
