Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Mr. Cohn

"Cohn had a wonderful quality of bringing out the worst in anybody." (pg. 104)

I feel like Robert Cohn is the most shunned character in the book. If it weren't for her looks and deeds she did for men, Lady Brett would be. She technically should be. Frances loves Robert, but she has learned to hate him more and more as he strays away from her. Mike Campbell and Bill Gorton never have anything good to say about him. Jake also has a hatred for him and deliberately tries to harass him. On page 103 Jake even says, "I was enjoying Cohn's nervousness." This paradox makes people wonder how bringing out the worst in people could be a wonderful quality.

This also did make me wonder if this quotation was more of a sarcastic remark. Jake is the one who says it after he torments Cohn, so I do believe it could seen as sarcastic or maybe even antithetic.

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