Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Lady Brett ...

" " Hello, Brett," I said. " Why aren't you tight?" " (pg. 29)

This is the first time the reader has the pleasure of meeting such a lovely woman, Lady Brett Ashley. The name Brett kind of threw me off at first, because it isn't a very common name. The only Brett I know now is a guy, but when Lady Brett Ashley came into the story, all I could compare her to was the woman Brett Sommers of off the old game show match game. She is the only other Brett I know of that is a woman, so from this point on, through out the whole book I pictured Brett Sommers as Lady Brett Ashley. This is very weird, I know.

Anyways, I am someone who believes in the whole first impression theory. One can never make a first impression twice. The first impression Hemingway gives of Lady Brett is very accurate. Ernest prepares the reader quite well for what is to come. After an exchange of hellos, the first thing Jake says to Lady Brett is "Why aren't you drunk?" It wasn't the usual, " I haven't seen you in forever, how have you been?" This explains a lot about her character and what the reader is to expect from her in the coming chapters.

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